Will I have enough? Am I enough? Do I matter? Deep in our souls is an ache that longs to be noticed, filled, transformed. And that ache boils down to these three fundamental questions. The extraordinary thing is that we find the answers to all three questions in the temptations of Christ. As Jesus faces the wilderness, the core needs of every human being are on display: the ache to be secure, to be approved of, to have some control over our lives. But the ways that we are tempted to fill these needs inevitably fail.
In The Ache for Meaning, Tommy Brown journeys through our questions and temptations into the deeper invitation Jesus offers. In the mindsets and practices Christ embodied, we discover what kept him centered on his identity and purpose—and what equips us to do the same. Because when you know where you’ve come from and where you’re going, daily temptations toward security, approval, and power to control pale in comparison to your most significant reality: You are a child of God.
A rich discipleship resource.
Includes questions for reflection and discussion.
Features invitations into spiritual disciplines and practices, like Scripture meditation, Sabbath taking, worship, and gratitude, among others.
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What’s your biblical money type?
Your money type influences your financial behavior and is a major factor in your relationships. In The Seven Money Types, Tommy Brown leads you on a journey of personal discovery as he reveals the seven money types found in Scripture, helps you identify the type that best fits you by means of a user-friendly assessment, and coaches you on understanding, affirming, developing, and enjoying your unique approach to money.
Discovering your money type – whether you are an Abraham (hospitality), an Isaac (discipline), a Jacob (beauty), a Joseph (connection), a Moses (endurance), an Aaron (humility), or a David (leadership) – will bring greater self-awareness, reduce internal financial tension and help you resolve financial conflict with others.
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